Wellbeing - Support for Parents

Parents and carers:

Below are a number of web-site links and sources of information which you may find useful, particularly if you are in need of some support or information to help you regarding the challenges we are all facing through the current economic climate.

Neuro Diversity Information

Following a recent Coffee Morning in school, we are delighted to share the slides which contain links and information about Neurodiversity and support for families. The link can be found below or click here for Neuro Diversity Information.

Measles, Mumps and Rubella

Please see the information at the bottom of this page about Measles, Mumps and Rubella, the signs and symptoms, and how to stay safe.


Stockport Cost Of Living Support



Warm Spaces 



Help With Energy Bills

Help with energy bills and warm home discounts. Call National Energy Action (NEA) 0800 304 7159

A specialist energy advisor at Citizens Advice Stockport can help if you're struggling to pay your energy bills. Call 0808 278 7803 (9am-6pm) or 0161 850 5053 (6-9pm)



Stockport Food Bank 



Help with Managing your finances

Financial assessments/statements, debt recovery options, benefit applications/claims/payments. Call Citizen Advice 0808 278 7803 (9am-6pm) or 0161 850 5033 (6-9pm)

Help for Stockport Homes tenants call 0161 217 6016

Emergency help in a crisis, call the council on 0161 474 2140


Help with Childcare Cost



Help with health and wellbeing

Help with mental or physical wellbeing, relationships, support at home, transport, finance or caring for someone, call Stockport Support Hub 0161 474 1042

For urgent help with suicidal thoughts, call Samaritans on 116 123

Dial 999 in a life-threatening emergency


Help getting online

Over-the-phone or face-to-face help to learn how to do things online. You can also borrow devices and data for free, or buy discounted devices, with support to set them up. Call 07724 217 888

