PE and Sport



Physical Education is at the heart of the curriculum at Bradshaw Hall Primary School. Children participate in at least 2 hours of indoor and outdoor physical activities on a weekly basis. Our physical education programme, which fully meets National Curriculum requirements, includes coaching in a range of sports, such as, Gymnastics, Dance, Football, Rugby, and Cricket. Sport at Bradshaw Hall Primary School outlines the sports provision at Bradshaw Hall in more detail. 

The school takes part in a wide range of competitive sports competitions and events, participating regularly in Stockport Schools Partnership events. In 2024-25 we will continue our partnership with SHAPEs to ensure continued high levels of participation, develop our outstanding curriculum and offer a wide range of extra-curricular physical and sporting activities.

In 2023 the school was awarded:

  • Commitment to school to school links

  • Commitment to leadership and volunteering

  • Commitment to high-quality PE

  • School participation in sports award

Since 2017, the school has been awarded the GOLD School Games Mark, which acknowledges our excellent provision and participation in school sport.

Competition highlights include:

  • Y1 football team winning the KS1 Manchester City football tournament

  • Y4/5 football team winning the Stockport Primary Schools tournament

  • Y5/6 football team semi-finalists at Stockport County FC Powerleague tournament

  • KS2 children taking part in The Great Big Dance Off (North West heats)

  • Speech and Language Centre taking part ‘Inclusion Rugby Festival’ at Stockport RFU

  • Y3/4 Girls winning WASA Athletics competition

  • Y5/6 runners up in our Bradshaw Hall School Tag Rugby festival

  • Beth Tweddle visit to highlight importance of dedication to sport

  • Craig Maclean MBE (Cycling Track finalist Olympics and Paralympics) visit to highlight team sport and resilience in the face of adversity.

  • Olympic gold medalist Rebecca Adlington on resilience and dedication. 

The Sports Premium funding has allowed us to establish strong, sustainable partnerships with local community sports clubs and provide additional competitions outside of school. For example we employ a specialist sports coach to run many of our Before/Lunch/After School activities; Girls football coaching is provided by Kickstart, our wraparound care provider; Prestige Coaching run 'Lovely Lunches' and enrichment sessions.

Year 6 participate in an annual High Quality Adventure and Teamwork residential course at Robinwood in Lancashire. Our Y4 children also go on an overnight residential visit. The visit immerses our children in their ‘Contrasting Locality’ topic as well as taking part in team games and walking in the great outdoors!

Our annual sports day is held in summer; KS1 take part in events such as the 10m sprint, skipping, football dribbling, and egg & spoon race. KS2 have a more competitive edge to their sports day. The children are grouped in teams and compete in a range of throwing and jumping field events. Followed by a series of track races, including sprints and longer distance races.

