Speech and Language Centre

Bradshaw Hall Speech & Language Centre is a specialist provision offering time limited places (1-2 years) for primary aged children with severe speech and language difficulties. These may be with expressive language, receptive language or severe speech sound difficulties, which make it very difficult for the child to access the curriculum in their local mainstream school.
Referrals are made by Stockport NHS Speech & Language Therapists and sometimes endorsed by an Educational Psychologist. Children need to have the potential to make accelerated progress with the right support and the speech and language need should not be part of a larger, more complex condition.

Katherine Barlow, Speech and Language Therapist, is based in the centre 2 days each week and the children receive regular therapy. We are very committed to partnership working with parents and believe working together enables children to make the best progress and expect parents to support their child doing the class and therapy homework.
The centre offers flexible, small group teaching by experienced and qualified staff. Teaching sessions focus on listening and attending, they often involve play and social interaction and are tailored to encourage the development of each pupil’s language skills. The teaching programme follows the national curriculum, including literacy and numeracy and is well differentiated to meet individual pupil needs. Children join with their mainstream peers for some lessons each week and receive daily speech therapy sessions.

Progress is carefully monitored with a gradual increase in mainstream class-based teaching, with support as necessary, as the children near the end of their placement. This ensures they are well prepared for a return to their own school.

The Speech & Language Centre does not provide therapy or support for children in the mainstream of the school – the sole focus is on meeting the needs of the children who have been referred to the centre.

A place in Bradshaw Speech & Language Centre does not entitle your child to a place in the primary school. There is an expectation that your child will return to their local mainstream primary and we encourage parents to maintain friendship links in their local area.

For more information see speech and language centre SEN information report

The documents below outline the content of the curriculum in the Speech and Language Centre. The curriculum is organised into two cycles; the 2020-2021 school year is cycle 1.

SPLC Bi-annual Curriculum Mapping 2021-22

SEN Information Report for the Speech & Language Centre

For more detailed information, read the SEN Information Report for the Speech & Language Centre If you would like more information or to visit the centre please contact centre manager at school SENCO Louise McGlone.


"Pupils achieve highly. provide excellent opportunities for children and pupils to develop their knowledge and skills. There are many opportunities for pupils to practise what they already know before they learn new things."