
Through rich experiences, children will learn about the knowledge, processes and uses of science in the modern world. Children will develop a conceptual scientific knowledge through active, rich and challenging learning experiences. They will be encouraged to see how science can be used to explain events, predict how things behave and analyse causes. The school also encourages a sense of excitement, wonder and curiosity in science, giving children the opportunity to develop and explore their own scientific wonderings. The school continue to work alongside the Primary Science Teaching Trust and have two members of staff who are members of the PSTT teaching college, having been awarded the ‘Teacher of the Year’ accolade.

Details of the science curriculum can be found here:

KS1 and KS2 Science Overview

Working Scientifically Knowledge and Skills

Science at Bradshaw Hall

Science at Bradshaw Hall is taught practically, building on the ideas and questions of the children. The school has previously been awarded the Gold Award Primary Science Quality Mark This reflects the incredible success of the school in promoting science within and beyond the school. Our science journey outlines how, over the last few years, the school has developed a vibrant and effective science curriculum – a vision which has inspired many young scientific minds!

Science Journey 

"Pupils develop self-esteem and confidence. This is because leaders help pupils to look after their mental health and well-being exceptionally well. There is a wide and varied extra-curricular offer for pupils to access."