Early Years Foundation Stage

Our Vision for Early Years Foundation Stage

In the EYFS at Bradshaw Hall we provide an environment, curriculum and experiences that enable every child to become a successful learner, a responsible citizen and a confident individual. All children develop and learn as we respond to their needs as unique individuals through positive relationships with their peers and staff.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage at Bradshaw Hall Primary, our mission is to provide an enabling environment which promotes the learning and development of every child attending our setting. Our EYFS curriculum is designed to allow children to develop the knowledge and learning behaviours that they need to succeed in life. Children’s learning is led through a balance of discrete, adult-led sessions and carefully planned continuous provision where children have the opportunity to investigate and apply their learning using our stimulating indoor and outdoor environments. It is our aim that children will leave the EYFS as confident, independent and reflective learners.

At Bradshaw Hall, we provide a high-quality EYFS education giving children a secure and confident start to their school life. We are committed to nurturing a lifelong love of learning alongside the aims of the EYFS statutory framework. We strive for high standards, consider the development of the whole child and seek to foster resilience and independence.
We aim to provide the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success and to give children the best possible start to their early education. We provide inviting classroom environments indoors and outdoors to stimulate learners and engage them in developing the three ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ as set out within the EYFS.

We have two short videos below which provide parents and carers specific information about a) preparing you child for school or nursery and outlining the support available and b) the National Child Measurement Programme - NCMP.  To access information directly from The School Nursing Service please follow these links:

Stockport School Nursing Service Video

National Child Measurement Programme: NCMP   

Please see documents below for more information: 
