Teacher Training

Bradshaw Hall Primary School is actively involved in training new teachers. The programme is known as School Direct. We are part of number of schools in the area that provide this service.


School Direct teacher training enables graduates to learn ‘on the job’ in a variety of local schools, as well as receive academic and University support, whilst training to teach to become a Primary School Teacher.


We are a close-knit alliance of primary schools in the South Manchester area, who individually have substantial experience of working with trainees and a strong track record of producing high quality teachers. Partner schools in the alliance are Bradshaw Hall Primary, Hursthead Infant and Junior school, Oak Tree Primary, Didsbury Road Primary, Wilmslow Grange Primary and Heald Place Primary

Whilst each school has its own unique ethos, we all share a passion for developing teachers who are committed to delivering creative and fun teaching and learning opportunities.

We provide a comprehensive programme of learning and support, which equips trainee teachers with the skills and knowledge to become outstanding teachers. Successful applicants to our alliance will become part of a family, which offers mentoring from highly experienced practitioners across the full range of primary phases and which will help you to learn and grow in confidence within stimulating environments.

More information can be found at https://www.hursthead-jun.stockport.sch.uk/train-to-teach

The alliance offers School Direct places in partnership with the University of Manchester  http://www.seed.manchester.ac.uk/pgce/school-direct/, who will validate the School Direct course with a PGCE qualification and QTS, giving you the opportunity to complete up to sixty credits towards a master’s degree.


Please have a read of the Unviersity of Manchester's OFSTED Report.

Further information on how to apply:

For School Direct queries, specific to Hursthead Junior School, contact Helen Walker School for more details at: helen.walker@hursthead-jun.stockport.sch.uk.

For general queries about School Direct, please see the Get into Teaching section of the DfE website: https://getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/explore-my-options/school-led-training/school-direct

For queries about the Manchester University PGCE School Direct programme, please visit: http://www.seed.manchester.ac.uk/pgce/school-direct/

"Pupils, including children in the early years, are highly considerate and respectful of each other’s differences and needs. Pupils view staff as trusted adults."